
Five Things To Watch Out For In Social Media In 2023

by Chris Jerry

Things To Watch Out For In Social Media

Social media has evolved tremendously over the last couple of years and there is a lot to look forward to in the coming years. With the rise of AI and machine learning, people can expect many interesting changes and innovations in 2023. In this article, we will explore five things that you should pay attention to as far as social media is concerned. This includes new AI-based content creation tools, increased competition amongst social media platforms, new marketing strategies by businesses and more. Understanding these trends can help businesses stay ahead of their competitors and provide users with the type of content they want. So let's delve in to explore what lies ahead for the future of social media in 2023.

In 2023, social media will be an ever-growing area of online communication. It is a space that many of us already use on a daily basis - both for personal reasons and for our businesses. With ever-evolving technologies, there are likely to be plenty of changes in the way we use social media in 2023. In this article, we’ll look at five things to watch out for when it comes to social media in 2023. From changes in algorithms and the emergence of new platforms, to how AI technology is being used on the major networks, we’ll explore what the future holds.

The world of social media is ever-changing and evolving. In this day and age, it is important to keep up with the trends that shape the industry in order to stay relevant. As we look forward to 2023, here are five things you should watch out for in the social media landscape. From rising networks, an emphasis on content quality and new features, there are myriad of changes to monitor. These are things that will help brands understand what’s working best in today’s marketing space – and how they can optimize their strategies for maximum ROI.

Here are the things to need to watch out in social media this 2023, listed below;

  1. The Fate Of Donald Trump’s Facebook Account

We are not aware for certain whether former US President Donald Trump will return to Facebook, though it’s certainly possible and could happen very soon. Trump’s two-year ban is set to expire on January 7, and while Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms Inc., is under no obligation to bring him back, the company has promised an update on his account, and we should have that by the end of the month.

Maybe it won’t matter if Donald Trump is reinstated. The former US president still hasn’t tweeted since Elon Musk lifted the Twitter ban in November. But if Trump is certain about another presidential run, we imagine it’ll be difficult for him to do all his campaigning on social media.

  1. There Will Be A Continued Push And Hype For The Metaverse

Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, introduced its plans for the metaverse in 2022. Meta will likely introduce more features into the Facebook app to get people excited about the metaverse, which has not gained much popularity in 2022. These features already include creating avatars on Facebook and augmented reality experiences available through filters.

There will likely also be a continuation of the intense marketing from Meta for the metaverse, although it is difficult to reveal whether it will work or not. This may include different brands and advertisers joining the new platform or influencers joining to check out the hype.

  1. Elon Musk’s Twitter Will Keep Changing

The CEO of twitter, Elon Musk is on the search for a permanent chief executive officer of Twitter Inc., though there are questions about how important that role will be with Musk remaining as Twitter’s owner and self-appointed chief twit. Still, finding someone to lead the day-to-day at Twitter will be a big task and could mean that Musk starts to redirect his attention back to Tesla Inc. or Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

We’ll also be keeping tabs on Twitter’s business, especially since Musk keeps discussing the possibility of bankruptcy. Twitter has to make some very sizable interest payments on the roughly $13 billion in debt assumed during the deal process. Musk has suggested Twitter’s business is in dire straits, bringing Twitter to bankruptcy just a few months after buying it would not be very hardcore.

Twitter has been chaotic, to say the least, since Elon Musk bought the platform in 2022. The platform will likely take a “trial and error” approach for its new features, trying out different methods to get more users engaged and seeing what works. This also means we are likely to see a few failed attempts.

  1. Users Will Want More Legitimate Content

With the rise of BeReal and TikTok in 2022, it is clear that users want to see more authentic content on social media. These features largely became popular because of their in-the-moment nature where there is no time to fix one’s makeup or retouch photos.

Professional and photoshopped content is no longer meaningful to everyday users, so expect to see more authentic and less polished content from your favorite brands, celebrities, and influencers in 2023. This means more blurry iPhone photos that express a feeling and fewer professional shots that look like a commercial.

  1. The Debate Of TikTok If It Should Stay, Or Go?

TikTok and its Chinese parent company are still waiting on the end of an intensive national security review from the Biden administration that could force it to change the way it does business, explore new ownership or leave America entirely. The review started in 2019, and the calls are growing louder to wrap it up. Senators from both major parties have pressed the White House to take action, and lawmakers voted to ban TikTok from US government devices.

Limiting or kicking out an app with more than 1 billion users worldwide would be a dramatic step, but the owner, ByteDance Ltd., isn’t making a very good case to keep it around. In December, ByteDance revealed that employees inappropriately accessed some American users’ data, including the personal information of journalists. The episode undermined ByteDance’s claims to have strict controls on access to user data.

These are the things to watch out for in social media this 2023.