
The dark side of technology: what you cannot see

by Daniel Bryte

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No doubt, technology has changed our lives and made things to be done easier, faster, and better, technology is a blessing to humanity and with it, there's no or less limitation to building and inventing kinds of stuff that can change the world. However, the tech industry has not yet fulfilled lots of predictions made decades and centuries ago about the present time, the adverse effects of technology are already becoming noticeable.

Most tech inventions have actualized the vision that brought them into existence, but the negative impact is now something that can no longer be hidden, as the world tries it fix t up.

Let's look at the dark side of technology, and the negative impacts tech has brought to humans and will bring in the nearest future:

1. Climate change

Modern technology has hugely contributed to climate change, however, world leaders, tech leaders, and tech customers are now realizing the harm certain technological invention is leading Earth to. The world is trying to replace these technologies with ones with less harmful to the environment, replacing fossil fuels with natural energy, producing vehicles and machines with less carbon emission, and all other resolutions to achieve net zero.

2. Lack of social interaction

The presence of technology and its advancement is shifting humans from social interaction and killing lots of individual social skills, an addict to tech inventions is likely not to possess the basic skills to socialize as time goes on. And it's not just stopping there, it is becoming worse with more inventions, with the intention of social media, we humans have forgotten the real face-to-face way of socializing, in fact most have lost it, and in the nearest future it will be worst than it is now.

Humans are being drawn away from socializing with actual humans gradually, it's now with digital humans, bots, and other forms of technology, though it's efficient, cheaper, and easier, it might be so helpful to the user's social life.

3. Mental health and social anxiety

It should be known that big tech companies play with our mental health to push you into being addicted to their platform, deals, or devices, and without you even noticing, and excluding that, the real social connection has changed and might soon be gone, people have lost ways to socialize because they don't interact with humans physically but instead live a stressful, fake life affecting their mental health.

4. Back pain and eye issues

Ergonomic chairs and blue light glasses are advisable to reduce the cases of back pain and bad sight, however, some have developed these issues beyond repair, bad postures can lead to several health issues, like back pain, hunchback, etc., likewise, blue light emitting devices can lead to eye strain, blurry sight, etc. The surprising thing here is that new tech inventions will make this worse as humans will now become lazier and get stuff done in a particular position for hours.

5. Insomnia

It should be known that tech gadgets addicts, from programmers, gamers, etc. are slowly developing insomnia due to long screen time and the blue light emitting from the screen which affects the brain and eye's ability to take sleep when necessary, not just that, these issues are becoming worst as many companies are trying to get more user's data and powering their software/device addiction. Soon we will be addicted to a headset in another world.

6. Job replacement

With the vision of technology making life easier and better, this comes with making lots of people jobless in the nearest future, this is already happening with simple automated machines already replacing humans, and soon AI will replace more in about a decade from now.

We should be excited about the future and also sad about the negative effect it comes with, however, it is left for humans to adapt as technology also create more jobs than it takes.