
Programmers are not hackers: 5 Misconception About Programmers

by Daniel Bryte

A programmer and a hacker

Lots of people do mistake hackers for programmers and this is so common amongst most non-technical people, making software, pretty codes, and using terminals and commands has been mistaken for hacking.

If one thing is to be blamed, then we all know it's movies, they started portraying these acts as programming, and it's actually far from reality, not just that there are lots of misconceptions about programmers and other tech fields.

Here are 5 misconceptions about programmers,

1. Programmers are hardware engineers

Not just in internet memes and jokes, this truly happens, telling a programmer to repair a hardware device such as a PC, printer, etc. is common these days, though it's possible if that person furthered to learn those skills, however without that then it's a pure misconception. Frequently using a computer and making software doesn't mean you can repair the computer and its component itself, many have aired out some experiences on several social platforms on how people mistake them to be hardware engineers.

2. Programmers are hackers

Programmers don't have any superpowers to hack into any device or software as movies portray it, in fact, that's not their specialty entirely, they write, debug, and test code to make software and not hack into software and devices.

Please someone hacked my Facebook account can you help me recover it? Oh no, actually this is what so many programmers face often, and it is something they can't help with, they don't break software instead they create.

3. Programmers are introverts

Yeah, many programmers fall into this category of being recognized as an introvert or anti-social people, it shouldn't be surprising for a person who spends more time with a laptop rather than with people, the reality is that the career path requires so much time and effort and thereby making a programmer not keeping up with other parts of life.

You can say most introverts will likely love computers and the fields associated with it, but most programmers are not introverts.

4. Programmers are geniuses

Solving problems, just like most jobs out there, programmers solve problems and they are not entirely different, all occupation matters in society, people usually term programmers as geniuses because of the vigorous work put into the job, and also on how hard it is to be proficient in the skillsets. However, programmers are still human like us and not any super alien, every occupation is important and not all can be possibly replaceable in centuries to come.

5. Programmers build software in a few hours

This is another common misconception people have towards programmers, a client will always think the task can be done in few hours, days, or weeks, which is absolutely impossible depending on the size of the project, but clients never understand the processes that need to be taken before a software product can be ready.

There are several misconceptions non-technical people have towards programmers and the IT world in general, though it will never be fully understood till they get into the field and see how structures and processes are laid and made in the tech industry.